Bishop blesses crucifix near Milroy

By Seth Schmidt
Warm April breezes couldn’t mute the a cappella singing rising from the prairies of Vesta Township Sunday. The spirited voices of over 100 people sang the lyrics:
‘Lift High the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim,
‘Til all the world, adore, his sacred name.’
The hymn began a half-hour ceremony to bless and dedicate a 30-foot high crucifix in the countryside northeast of Milroy. New Ulm Diocese Bishop John LeVoir presided over the blessing ceremony.
“We have genuine reason to rejoice, because we are about to bless this image of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be erected for public veneration,” declared Bishop LeVoir. “This image honors, above all, the truth that Christ is the visible image of the invisible God, the eternal Son of God, who came down to the womb of the Virgin Mary…”
The Bishop expressed the hope that the crucifix would become a place for the faithful to gather, reflect, and pray. He invited the faithful to especially consider a visit with the beginning of Holy Week on Palm Sunday this weekend.
The blessing ceremony included participation from Fr. Robert Mraz, and Deacon Mike McKeown, and the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus honor guard.
For more on this article, see this week’s Headlight-Herald.