Fifty-three seniors will mark the end of their high school careers Sunday at Tracy Area High School. The commencement ceremony begins at 2 p.m. in the high school gym.
Many long-established traditions will be carried on at the ceremony, starting with the “Pomp & Circumstance” processional performed by the high school band. Principal Kathy Vondracek will introduce the class valedictorian and salutatorian. Honor students, who have achieved an A minus grade-point average through grades 9-12, will also be introduced.
Senior speakers are Victoria Schons (class greeting), Noah Tiegs (past), Kendra Ludeman (present), Gabbie Gervais (future), and Hannah Brockway (class farewell).
Both the high school band and choir will perform. The choir directed by Wendy Johnson, will sing “Don’t Forget to Remember Me.” Brittani Klaverkamp will direct the band in its performance of “Pixar Movie Favorites.”
Supt. Chad Anderson and school board members Rod Benson and Ben Ludeman will hand out diplomas.
Graduates will form a reception line near the north entrance following the ceremony.