Next week’s annual Tracy Area Garden Tour shines a spotlight on Balaton
The Wednesday, July 12, garden tour features six Balaton area gardens, as well as the handiwork of six Balaton area quilters. The St. Mary’s Council of Catholic Women and the Tracy Kiwanis are sponsoring the tour.
A $15 ticket is good for admission to the six gardens, where dozens of quilts will also be displayed. The ticket includes homemade pie and ice cream to top off the day.
Garden tour sites are: Cookie & Joe Cooreman, Mary & Fran Timmerman, Julie & Greg Erickson, Ruth & Dave Lehnhoff, Marcella & Don Beatty, Sue & Larry Mitzner.
Quilts made by Sue Mitzner, Gayle Kaup, Elvera Benson, Laureen Thooft, Lois Ahlschlager, Pat Rutz, and Rosemary Kuether will also be featured.
Advance tickets are available at Greenwood Nursery, Tracy and Marshall. Tickets will also be available at each house on the day of the event.
A $2 quilt raffle coincides with the tour. Prizes include a quilt wall hanging with a coordinating pillow by Lynn Holland Larson, a lap quilt by Bev Holland, a quilt from the Debbie Bowles Collections, flower planters by Jesse James, and two certificates for St. Mary’s pies.
Rain date for the tour is July 13.