Tracy area residents are invited to join their neighbors for an evening of free fun, food, and fellowship next week.
The annual Tracy “Night Out Against Crime” is planned Tuesday, August 1, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Central Park. There’s no charge, although donations will be accepted to defray expenses.
Grilled burgers and hot dogs, beans and chips will be served in the park picnic shelter, as a host of local music groups perform in the bandshell.
Inflatable bounce toys will be set up for children in the park as well, and the Zoo Express will be on hand.
The Tracy Fire Department will be sponsoring water games, with emergency responders on hand to answer questions and display equipment.
“Bernie the Burglar” will be slated for the first Tuesday of August.
A Night Out Against Crime website describes the event as “an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live” and “enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement.”