Sarita Hook is the latest Tracy High School senior to carry on a nine-decades long Miss Tracy tradition.
The daughter of Shannon and Tom Hook was chosen Miss Tracy from a field of 11 contestants Sunday night. Sydney Lanoue, daughter of Beth and Brian Lanoue, was first runner-up, with Alecia Christian chosen for second runner-up laurels. Alecia is the daughter of Melissa and Jim Christian.
As Miss Tracy, Hook will receive a $1,500 scholarship. Lanoue is eligible for a $900 scholarship for first runner-up, with Christian qualifying for a $700 second-runner-up scholarship.
Competition was held in five categories, with a $300 scholarship given to each category winner.
Anna Zwach won the Panel Evaluation category.
Evelyn Dolan won the Creative Arts Presentation.
Hook topped the Presence & Composure and Scholastic Achievement and Community Involvement categories.
Nadia Winge was the winner in the Fitness Routine competition.
Christian won the Miss Photogenic award, as voted on by the audience.
Zwach was honored with the Spirit Award, voted upon by other recipients.
Lanoue was the recipient of the $300 Lori Bangasser Memorial Scholarship.
All contestants receive a $250 Alumni Scholarship, given by past Miss Tracy participants. Other contestants were Rebecca Surprenant, Lily Gladis, Kaylee Kirk, Kendra Moyars, and Kaitlyn Wieme.
The Miss Tracy program, held before a near capacity crowd in the Tracy Area High School gym, was a farewell to the Miss Tracy royalty for 2017: Miss Tracy Taylor Campbell, first runner-up Lexi Tauer, and third runner-up Hannah Brockway.
April and Cody Arnold were emcees.
Program directors were Kim Roggatz, Mallory Fultz, Kelsey Stuefen, Mary Squires, Brooke Ortmann, and Alicia Swenhaugen.
“That’s So 90s” was the program theme.
All Miss Tracy contestants are seniors at Tracy Area High School.
For more on Miss Tracy, see this week’s Headlight-Herald.