Funeral Services for Wayne Carlson were held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Currie, MN on Saturday, December 23, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. with Msgr. Paul R. Heiting officiating. The organist was Patty LeClaire. The song leaders were LoAnn Hansen and Kris Hansen. The pallbearers were Kevin Carlson, Terry Carlson, Joe Carlson, Jeff Carlson, Ben Carlson and Denny Johnson. Interment is at Calvary Cemetery in Currie, MN.
Totzke Funeral Home of Slayton is entrusted with arrangements. To send condolences visit totzkefuneralhome.com
Wayne Carlson was born at home on July 31, 1928 to Oscar Lenard Carlson and Violet May Coyle Carlson. He grew up on the farm where he was born and knew from a young age he was going to be a farmer like his dad and grandpa. He attended District 89 Country School for 8 years and graduated High School in 1946 in Tracy MN. Wayne attended the Congregational Church in Garvin, MN and later converted to Catholic in 1949. He and Irma Jeanne Ruppert were united in marriage on September 15, 1949 at IHM in Currie MN. They made their home 1mile from his father’s farm and raised their 10 children, 5 sons and 5 daughters and celebrated 40 years of married life together. Irma passed away on December 17, 1989. Wayne was blessed to marry Rosemary Loosbrock on April 13, 1991 and welcomed her 5 children to the fold. They enjoyed nearly 24 years together with their combined families. It was a life filled with birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and trips to AZ for the winter and the list goes on. Rosie passed away on April 2, 2015 and Wayne missed her every day. Wayne was a people person and enjoyed every kind of activity. In his younger years he loved to roller skate, dance, play guitar and sing and play games. As he grew older he enjoyed bowling, fishing, boating, snowmobiling, riding motorcycle and vacations. His favorite past times in his later years was going to AZ, shuffle boarding, playing cards and throwing dice as well as an occasional trip to the casino. Wayne served as a CCD instructor; he was on the IHM Parish Council and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was a board member of the Garvin and Tracy Elevator and Farm Credit Services. He belonged to the NFO, Farm Bureau, Tracy FFA and Lake Sarah 4-H. Wayne was a very hard worker. He did custom corn shelling, combining, swathing, snow blowing and many other services for neighbors and friends. He also sold Pioneer Seed Corn for 34 years. His love of farming was with him all his life and he continued to be involved as much as he could up until the time of his death. Wayne passed away at his home as he wished on December 18, 2017 at the age of 89 years, 4 months and 18 days.
Survivors include his 10 children and their spouses, Deborah and Dennis Johnson, Kevin and Sue Carlson, Terry Carlson and Nancy Radke, Teresa and Bryce Felber all of rural Slayton, Joan and Sidney Felber, Blaine, MN, Joe and Denise Carlson, Iona, MN, Jeff and Dee Carlson, Slayton, MN, Patti and Tim Daniels Willmar, MN, Kathy and Virgil Wahl Avon, MN, Ben and Kari Carlson of Slayton, MN, 33 grandchildren and 45 great-grandchildren as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Five step children, Chuck and Verna Loosbrock, Kathy Ahweh, Rocky and Brenda Loosbrock, Mary Jane Eldridge, and Tammy and Jim Christianson and their families, two sisters and their spouses, Wava and Jim Vickerman Tracy, MN and Wilma and Charles Gray Slayton, MN. Sisters-in-law Dorothy Ruppert, Judy Ruppert, Mary Carlson and Jay Carlson. Rosie’s siblings, James Pass, Joe and Mary Pass, Norma and Willie VonHoltum, Punky and Joe Dorn, Judy and Bob Newman, Hub and Patti Pass, Marian and Lloyd Phelps, Madgie and Rodney Einck, and Diane and Lyle Konz.
He is preceded in death by his wives Irma and Rosemary, infant daughter Mary, his parents, two brothers Willard and Wesley Carlson, two daughters-in-law Barb and JoAnn Carlson and two grandson’s Wayne and Adam Johnson. Irma’s brothers and sisters, Harold and Marce Ruppert, Lil and Ray Busch, Julia and Wayne Peltola, Marce and Don Commiskey, Ray, Herb and Orville Ruppert and Leota and Tom Silver.