Tracy voters decided Tuesday that Tony Peterson should continue serving on the city council.
Peterson held onto his council seat as 211 voters (54.8%) rejected a measure to recall the former mayor and longtime council member from office. A total of 174 ballots (45.2%) favored Peterson’s removal from office.
The recall referendum asked voters to check “yes” on the ballot if they wanted Peterson recalled from office, and “no” if they wished Peterson to remain in office.
The unusual recall referendum was sparked by a citizen petition signed by 130 city residents last fall. The petition asked that Peterson be recalled from office over alleged violations of city code and charter. Peterson denied the charges.
Had a majority of voters approved Peterson’s recall, a special election would have been needed to fill the subsequent vacancy.
Peterson was elected to a four-year term in the fall of 2016 that began in January of 2017.
The council is scheduled to canvass the recall election results on Feb. 22.