Forty-eight seniors are scheduled to participate in Tracy Area High School commencement ceremony Sunday.
The caps & gowns event begins at 2 p.m. in the high school gym. The public is invited.
Senior speakers will be Miranda Spanovich (“welcome”), Charlie Vang (“past”), Sarita Hook (“present”), Sydney Lanoue (“future”), and Alecia Christian (“farewell”).
The class valedictorian and salutatorian will be announced during the ceremony, as well as the gold chord honor students. Supt. Chad Anderson and school board members will present the diplomas.
The high school concert band and choir will perform. The choir, directed by Wendy Johnson, will sing “It Takes a Village,” while the band will present a medley from Beauty and the Beast. The Brittanie Klaverkamp directed band will also perform the traditional “Pomp & Circumstance” processional.
A reception line will form outside the school’s north entrance following the ceremony.
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According to the future plans listed by seniors in the commencement program, 30 graduates (62.5%) plan to attend a four-year college or university. Thirteen (27%) plan to obtain technical training at a two-year vocational school. Five graduates (13%) are either undecided or plan to enter the work force immediately following high school.
The motto for this year’s class is: “Each of us has different talents, different dreams and different destinations, but we all have the same power to make a new tomorrow.”
The Class of 2018 is the smallest in eight decades for Tracy. Tracy High School’s Class of 1935 graduated 42 seniors.