National Night Out is Tuesday

By Per Peterson

One of Tracy’s most well-attended events is right around the corner.

National Night Out — an event that celebrates local law enforcement and emergency personnel in a public setting — takes place Tuesday, starting at 4 p.m. at Central Park.

Tracy Police Officer Adam Hansen said National Night Out is a chance for the police department to build on its relationship with the citizens of Tracy and give them something fun to do.

“I think in these smaller towns, it’s more of a community get-together,” he said. “Police, fire and ambulance work well together, and this is a chance for us to come together and celebrate our community. It’s a celebration of community with your neighbors.”

Hansen, who has been on the force for 10 years, said there aren’t too many other chances throughout the year where the general public can mingle with police officers or fire fighters.

“Box Car Days is another one where we’re seen a lot on foot, but this is a nice little three-hour event that’s family-orientated,” he said.

The event includes a free meal — your typical summer fare of burgers and hot dogs, beans and chips — and last year, there were so many people in attendance that they ran out of food. The city has its own National Night Out group that raises funds when it can and collects donations to ensure that the meal remains free. There will also be other treats available served by various groups for a small cost.

“I don’t want to run out of food, but that’s a good sign that people are coming out and supporting us,” Hansen said. “I’m just blown away by the number of people who come out.”

Hansen said there will be more seating at the park than there was a year ago.

The North helicopter will be landing in the bank parking lot, Hansen said, and the National Guard will be bringing in a climbing wall. There will also be live music.

This will be the fourth year the city celebrates National Night Out.

For more information, e-mail or call 629-5528.