Food Pride in midst of annual peach-lug frenzy
By Seth Schmidt
Tracy Food Pride employees went to work early Thursday morning to help unload 300 lugs of Alberta peaches from California.
But Monday, when another 100 peach lugs arrived at the store, most of Thursday’s shipment was gone. The Monday peach shipment wasn’t expected to last long either.
“People really like those Alberta peaches, and this is the only time of the summer that we can get in lugs of peaches,” explains Food Pride owner Bruce Schelhaas. “Once they are gone, they are gone.”
Tracy Food Pride is one of the few supermarkets in the region that carries lugs of peaches. That’s created something of a summer phenomena for the Tracy grocery store. Customers had placed advance orders for 130 lugs of peaches in advance of last week’s shipment. Names written on individual peach lugs in the Food Pride stock room Thursday morning attested to the advance reservations.
“People don’t want to be left out,” Schelhaas explains. “I’ve had people come down from Marshall to buy peaches.”
For more on this article, see this week’s Headlight-Herald.