Cassidy Smith wins title; Kallie Benson first runner-up
By Seth Schmidt
Emcee Lori Hebig asked for one more round of applause for nine Miss Tracy contestants, before winners and scholarship recipients were announced.
“Aren’t they dazzling?” Hebig exclaimed.
An ovation from the crowd agreed.
Within moments, Cassidy Smith was announced as Miss Tracy 2019. Kallie Benson was named first runner-up, and Kristin Bohn was second-runner-up.
Cassidy, the daughter of Deb and Bryan Smith of Balaton, will receive a $1,500 scholarship as Miss Tracy. Kallie, the daughter of Shannon and Roger Benson of Tracy, will receive a $900 scholarship. Kristin, the daughter of Jason and Elisha Jueneman of Tracy, will receive a $700 scholarship.
The trio will represent the community at a host of Tracy Area Chamber of Commerce activities during the next year.
Judging was based on five competition categories.
Smith topped three: Panel Evaluation, Presence & Composure, and Scholastic Achievement/Community Involvement. Benson was the winner for the Fitness Routine competition, with Bohn taking the Creative Arts Presentation with a vocal solo.
An additional $300 scholarship is also allocated for the winner of each competition category, giving Smith $900 in scholarships for the three categories she won, and Benson and Bohn $300 each for their category win.
For more on this article and photos, see this week’s Headlight-Herald.