Dimmers wants to be as involved as possible

By Per Peterson
Buy first house. Check.
Run for mayor. Check.
Anthony Dimmers is wasting little time in defining the rest of his life.
Dimmers, a mayoral candidate running against Tony Peterson, bought his home in Tracy in January after moving from Slayton. His nomadic lifestyle — he spent more than 23 years in the military and drove truck after that — made it impractical for him to buy a home, so it wasn’t until this year that he made the leap.
“I can’t even tell you how many places I’ve lived,” he said.
But he’s now anchored in Tracy and wants to become an integral part of the community. What better way to do that than to become mayor, he believes.
“I’m not one to stick my toe in the pool,” sad Dimmers, who after arriving in Tracy become a member of the Planning & Zoning Committee. “You dive in and you go. It’s all in. I saw it was the last day of filing, Tony was unopposed and I think that people should have a choice. This is my new town and where I’ve decided to land, so I’m going to go all in. Tracy’s my home now.”
Peterson says his experience is an asset at city hall

By Per Peterson
Tracy city councilman Tony Peterson isn’t running for mayor to fulfill a desire. He just knows that there is a need for the mayor’s seat to be filled by someone with experience.
“I had some people saying I need to do it,” Peterson said recently. “I figured if I put my name in for it, it would spur somebody to run; if I don’t win I’ll stay on the council.”
Peterson’s first stint on the city council was in 2007. He was mayor from 2012-16, then ran for council again two years ago. Peterson choose not to submit a resignation from the council in light of his pursuit of the mayor’s seat.
“I got to thinking when I left last time there was such a void — some of the corporate knowledge, the history of things — I figured I better not do that this time because there’s not much experience on the council.”
For more on these articles, see this week’s Headlight-Herald.