The City of Tracy might soon be making its debut on YouTube.
The Tracy Economic Development Commission is working with local videographer Josh Hook to have a marketing video produced about Tracy. The clip would be available for downloading from on-line sources such as YouTube and the Tracy web site.
Jeff Carpenter, EDA director, explains that the video will be used to tout the town’s amenities. Schools, health-care facilities, parks, business services, churches, residential areas and the aquatic center could be among the highlighted topics. Clips of rural agrarian scenes and lake activities, along with sound bites from local people, could be featured as well.
Carpenter introduced the marketing video concept to the Tracy City Council Monday by asking what each member would say to a non-resident as to why Tracy is a good place to live. Jeri Schons, said the “excellent health care” offered by Sanford Tracy would be one of the first assets that she would mention. Mayor Pam Cooreman replied “hometown hospitality.” Tony Peterson cited a ‘second to none school system.”
Carpenter said similar comments from local people, combined with the video images, would create a compelling marketing tool for the community. The scope of the video has not been determined. Carpenter indicates that one idea has been to produce four short seasonal videos, at a cost of about $250 each. Another idea is to produce one, slightly longer video that includes shots taken throughout the year.