Despite negative feedback, Trachtenberg gets blessing from committee to start business in Marshall
Businessman Steve Trachtenberg lost a battle with Mother Nature earlier this year in Tracy, and now he’s engaged in a different fight 20 miles away.
Trachtenberg, founder of Chasing Our Tails — a company that manufactures pet treats — testified in front of the Marshall Planning & Zoning Commission last Thursday, as the next step in his efforts to put down company roots in the former County Fair Building on Country Club Drive in Marshall. While the committee did recommend a Conditional Use Permit on a 4-2 vote, the warm welcome Trachtenberg was hoping for didn’t happen.
One by one, Marshall residents who live in the area around County Fair spoke firmly against the move, citing the potential for odor emanating from the building and increased traffic in the area. Only one person in the crowd of about 100 expressed support for Trachtenberg, saying his plans have merit. Despite the overwhelming negativity from Marshall residents, the board approved recommending a Conditional Use Permit for Trachtenberg. The fate of the project is now in the hands of the Marshall City Council, which will make the final determination at its April 9 meeting.
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this story.