Four veterans enter Quilts of Valor family
By Per Peterson
Fifty years ago, Neil Armstrong joined a club that no one ever dared to imagine would ever be. That same year, Dean Bundy became a member of a much more established group: the American Legion.
Bundy, who served in the Korean War, was one of four veterans who were honored at Sunday’s Quilts of Valor ceremony at Bitton’s Roadhouse in Garvin. He was joined by Rueben Anderson (Korean War), Larry Bruns (Viet Nam era) and Eugene “Buzzy” Olson (Viet Nam era). All four received a special, handmade, patriotic quilt as a thank-you for their military service.
Before the quilts were given to the honored guests, Susie Learning, vice president of the 7th District of the American Legion Auxiliary, read the Quilts of Valor poem “Quilts of Valor — a few pieces of cloth from people who care, to honor your service, it only seems fair. Carefully chosen material of red, white and blue, sewn together for those patriotic and true. A top pieced together with caring and pride, then quilted with backing and a warm layer inside. Every stitch and seam sewn from the very start with appreciation and gratitude straight from the heart. For you who have sacrificed for those here at home, may this quilt warm and comfort you where’ve you roam. Our hope with the quilt is to make sure you know we appreciate all you’ve done and all you’ve been through.”
See this week’s Headlight-Herald for more on this article.