By Tara Brandl
What started as a group of stay-at-home moms getting together monthly to share recipes, crafts and socialize has expanded to celebrating more than a half century of friendships.
The Nivrag Dolls club from Garvin celebrated its 60th anniversary and reunion last week at Bitton’s Roadhouse. The club was started by young women in Garvin and the Lake Sarah area in July 1959. They have met the fourth Tuesday of the month for 60 years. (Nivrag is Garvin spelled backwards). The Dolls part of the name has been dropped over the years.
At one time, the club had 24 members (the limit set by the club), with a waiting list, if people moved or dropped out of the club.
“The club started with five,” Peggy Saxton recalled. “Then when the rest heard about it they wanted to join. But we capped it because it was too much for everybody’s house. I remember having 14 in my house one time.”
The club originally started their meetings at 2:30 p.m., but later changed to an evening meeting so the men could watch the kids. This also allowed for more time to socialize.
“My biggest memory was when we’d go,” Shirley Anderson said. “Lorraine (Frisvold) would always pick me up to go and we would sit in the car and talk until one o’clock in the morning. My husband could never figure out why I was so late.”
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article.