From Christmas Eve fog that would make even Rudolph think twice, to a cold, steady rain four days later that was transformed into a layer of ice that covered most everything, to heavy snowfall, it was a wild ride weather-wise the last week of 2019.
The snow started to fall about 2:30 p.m. on Sunday and continued into the night. In all, 2.5” of wet snow fell in Tracy on Sunday. That was sandwiched between 1.2” of wintry mix on Saturday and Monday.
After a blustery day Monday, things look to settle down today, with a high of 20 under partly cloudy skies. Temps could reach the freezing mark on New Year’s Day and perhaps 35 by Thursday, before a cold front ushers in another chance of snow Friday. That, however, looks to be it for precipitation for at least the next five days.
For the month of December, Tracy received 7.6 inches of precipitation.