A large audience was treated to a wide variety of musical offerings at annual ‘Celebration in Song’
By Per Peterson
From the Sahlstrom sisters singing Sinatra, to an amazing family putting their own spin on “Amazing Grace,” music rang through the sanctuary of Tracy Lutheran Church during the annual “Celebration in Song” Sunday.
The church was packed with music lovers, and no one walked away disappointed. Musical selections ranged from songs by the Tracy Elementary After School Choir, to piano selections and two cello solos.
“It’s fun to know there are so many people in this small town that are interested in music,” said Tracy Area High School choir director Wendy Johnson, who also directs the Southwest Minnesota Men’s Choir, which performed “Whisper, Whisper” and “In the First Light” on Sunday. “I’m thrilled with the support that we have for music in a town of this size.”
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article and photos.