Former mayor of Colorado city of 140,000 eager to get started

It didn’t come easily, but after months of searching, Tracy finally has a new city administrator.
The city council, in a closed session Monday night after its regular meeting, agreed to terms with and hired Erik Hansen — one of three finalists who were part of the city’s most recent round of interviews for the position.
Hansen visited Tracy for the first time on Feb. 19 and was impressed with what he saw and the reception he received.
“I think it’s a great town,” he said in an interview Tuesday. “The people are really super nice — that’s probably the biggest impression I got. Every staff member I met was helpful and just really had a lot of good things to say about Tracy. I really appreciated the hospitality.”
Hansen’s contract is for two years, and his annual base salary will be $100,000. The standard contract also has a 2.5% COLA agreement.
His tour of Tracy included meeting several city officials, including the EDA director, school superintendent, public works director and fire chief. He believes the city needs to build around current resources like the hospital and schools.
Hansen said his first goal is to learn about the city and the way things are done, as well as gaining an understanding of what makes sense for the community.
“From a process standpoint, one of the most important things I talked to the council about is setting some aspiration goals for the community — what it is they want Tracy to look like in five years, what they’re priorities are. I can help facilitate with them a plan of action to make those goals happen.”
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article.