Nearly 140 FFA students put their skills to the test Thursday during career development events in Tracy
By Erin Ballard
FFA members from 19 area schools descended on the town last Thursday for two competitions: Fish & Wildlife Management and Small Animal Vet Science. Both consisted of three sections that tested students’ knowledge, application, and analytical and evaluation abilities in each field.
This was the first time Tracy Area High School has hosted the events, and because the groups were so large, they had to be split between the school’s gym and the Veterans Memorial Center. While planning for and organizing so many students was at times chaotic, it was more than worth it, ag teacher and FFA advisor Elizabeth Johnson said. Other than the fact that local FFA students were able to visit with and meet students with similar interests from other schools, the benefit has a wider impact on Tracy, as well, she said.
“It’s nice to promote Tracy. Schools are able to come to see what we have to offer, and see our ag department,” Johnson said. “Everyone’s going to get lunch after this, so it brings money into other businesses in town.”
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article.