The Tracy Area Headlight Herald was the winner of nine awards in the Minnesota Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest for 2020. The awards were announced virtually on Jan. 28. Newspapers were judged against others by circulation.
The winning entries were as follows: First place, April DeSchepper, Use of Color in Advertising; first place, Typography & Design; second place, Headline Writing; second place, Use of Photography as a Whole; second place, General Excellence; third place, Per Peterson, Design Portfolio; third place, Peterson, Portrait & Personality Photos; third place, General Reporting; third place, Editorial Page as a Whole.
“These awards are testimony to our dedication to the community and our commitment to delivering the finest, most in-depth newspaper we can, while upholding the longstanding tradition of the Tracy Area Headlight Herald,” Editor Per Peterson said. “While it’s nice to receive statewide acclaim for our work, it’s the residents of Tracy and those of the surrounding area who drive us to work hard to produce your paper each and every week.”