With two Tracy Area Public School buildings on the wrong side of 50 years old, there’s no question a facilities upgrade is in order. The only question is, will taxpayers be on board to pay for some of it?
The answer will come on Aug. 9, when voters go to the polls for the primaries. For residents of the Tracy Area School District, this year’s ballot will include a single question bond referendum that would authorize $7.565 million in bonding authority to finance facility upgrades at the elementary and high school, with the largest project component being the HVAC upgrades proposed at the high school.
“Our facilities look amazing, they look beautiful,” TAPS Supt. Chad Anderson said at an open house Monday set up to further inform the public on the project and answer any questions. That’s thanks to people like (custodian) Jo (Pyle) and our grounds crew, and previous boards and our current boards that continuously support all the upgrades needed to protect our assets.”
The intensive project includes heating and ventilation upgrades, roof replacement, construction and installation of fire suppression systems and the completion of deferred maintenance projects. To provide funds for the project costs, the school board has proposed to issue federal obligation school building bonds in an amount not to exceed $7,565,000. The school board has also proposed to revoke its existing capital project levy authorization of 0.9180% times the net tax capacity of the school district, commencing with taxes payable 2023.
See more in this week’s paper!