Lake Sarah residents won’t shy away from expressing the pride they have in their lake. They also won’t back down when they feel the future of the lake is in jeopardy.
That was evident last Friday when many of them, who are part of People Along Lake Sarah (P.A.L.S.), gathered at East Park to discuss the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ handling of their beloved body of water.
“We’re just concerned about the lake we live on, as lake homeowners,” said P.A.L.S. member Dennis Bertrand. “We pay a lot of taxes, and we really want to continue to enjoy it.”
Homeowners’ concerns range from a new dam going in, which some believe might result in more invasive species getting into the lake (zebra mussels were discovered in the lake 2018), to the possible draining of Lake Maria, to the big issue: fish egg harvesting.