For most kids, regardless of age, a county fair is about fun. It’s the same for 4-Hers. However, for them, work comes first.
A number of Amiret Busy Bees saw months and months of hard work come to fruition Friday at the Lyon County 4-H Swine Show — just one of a number of livestock demonstrations that take place annually at the county fair.
The kids and their pigs are judged on a number of different factors at the Swine Show, especially in the Showmanship category. And part of the challenge is never really knowing how a pig will react on the big day.
“The pigs were really hot, so they were very crabby,” said Marin Knott, who was Grand Champion in Swine Grades 9-and-up as well as Showmanship.
“I was very happy that my pig wanted to drive well and walk. Last year, it was so hot that no pig wanted to walk at all, so we were very fortunate that they wanted to walk today.”
No matter how well the 4-Hers think they know their pig, there is always an element of surprise they have to think about.
See more in this week’s paper!