Siblings might be prone to the occasional argument, but when it comes to 4-H, they’re always there to support each other.
A perfect example of that can be found within the Nyquist families, which were represented by not one, not two, not three, but four kids at this year’s Murray County Fair 4-H Poultry Show.
The youngest of the group is 6-year-old Skye, a Currie Poco-a-Poco Cloverbud who takes part in the 4-H shows with her sister, Isabelle, brother, Otto, and cousin Kurtis. Skye said the best part about working with chickens is simple: “Just having fun with them,” she said. “I like playing with them and carrying them. It’s fun to show them, too.”
Soni Nyquist — the mother to Skye, Isabelle and Otto — said having three kids in 4-H definitely keeps the family busy.
“The kids are doing most of the work, so that’s really great for me,” Soni said. “And they willingly do it — feed, water, collect eggs and all that. I don’t really have to do a whole lot, other than transport them back-and-forth.”
See more in this week’s paper!