The new roads in Tracy that are causing headaches for the City and perhaps even a touch of motion sickness for residents won’t be fixed until the spring of 2023.
The Tracy City Council last Thursday approved a resolution on a 5-2 vote that will delay the final completion of the Phase 3A-2 infrastructure project that was to be completed on Sept. 1, 2022. Council member Jeri Schons made the motion to approve the resolution, with council member Seth Schmidt seconding. Council members Ron Koopman and George Landuyt voted against the resolution.
Tracy City Administrator Erik Hansen had ordered a work stoppage on the project in August that essentially gave the contractor an eight-day extension. That was intended to allow the City and contractor to outline a plan to repair settlement issues on certain roads. The resolution that was passed last week will allow the final wearing course to be put down on the roads in question next year.
See more in this week’s paper!