Do Day Quilters at Tracy Lutheran Church made a donation of two dozen quilts to the Tracy Lions Club, which will deliver the quilts to a project in South Dakota. The quilters, who donate many quilts locally every year, gather at the church every Wednesday, and last week paused to take a photo with Lions members Joel Buyck and Lori Alf. Quilters pictured are, front, from left: LaVerne Jessen, Connie Anderson, Mary Smith, Eileen Stanek, Sharon Kosse, Sandy Horn, Carol Fales. Back, from left: Buyck, Joyce Osland, Dawn Domina, Carolyn Engelkes, Kathy Peterson, Karen Krog, Muriel Richardson, Jan Janssen and Alf. Not pictured: Sue Manguson, Shirley Johnson, Daellis Rykhus. Photos / Per Peterson
Tracy Lions Lori Alf and Joel Buyck might have looked like custodians walking out of Tracy Lutheran Church with black garbage bags in tow last Wednesday, but the items they were carrying certainly weren’t garbage.
Inside those bags were two dozen quilts assembled by the Do Day Ladies — a group of 14-16 women who have devoted part of their lives to their passion of quilting.
Most of the colorful quilts that are put together throughout the year have a special destination, and these were no different, as they will be donated to a project in South Dakota that builds beds for kids in need.