Julia Muedeking isn’t necessarily against trite lawyer jokes. In fact, she knows a lot of them. And she’s able to laugh at them, too, even if it’s in a self-deprecating manner.
Muedeking is an attorney herself, but she’s not your regular lawyer, who shows up in a town court room to defend just anyone.
Muedeking, a 1996 graduate of Tracy Area High School and daughter of Chauncey and Jane Meudeking, is a Judge Advocate General assigned to the Office of the Legal Counsel for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and on April 1 was promoted to Colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve at the Air Force Memorial in Washington, DC., where Chauncey gave her the oath of office in the presence of Jane and Julia’s niece and nephew William and Emma Dierlam, who celebrated her new rank while Brigadier General Robert Borcherding, Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presided over the ceremony.
See more in this week’s paper!