The signage for Tracy’s motel along Hwy. 14 might be a little confusing to passers-by, but there’s more to this highway hideaway than a name. And Anne Clancy and Ryan Heiserman want to make sure Tracy’s motel continues to live on — only in a way most Tracy residents aren’t accustomed to.
Now known as the Wilder Inn, most long-time Tracyites know the iconic motel as the Cozy Grove since the ‘60s. But now it’s neither.
Clancy and Heiserman, who hail from Woodbury, closed on the purchase of the motel on Jan. 5, and it is now known as Wilder Apartments.
“It seemed to us like the motel wasn’t the best use for the building, both from a business perspective and also for what the people here locally need,” said Heiserman. “Our goal is to take it from something that’s not being used as it should be in our eyes and turn it into a place that people can live — fill some needs for people and provide something that’s affordable. We’re looking to revive it, basically.”
See more in this week’s paper!