Cell phones, dress code top district’s policy changes

The District No. 2904 School Board heard the first reading of high school handbook policy changes during its regular meeting Monday night. Two major areas of changes were discussed, including a those with the cellphone policy and dress code.

Cell phone use during the school day has continued to be a problem explained Tracy Area High School Principal Tony Miller.

“I am looking at ‘away for the day’,” Miller said. “You can bring your cell phones to school, you can bring bluetooth headphones to school, but they need to stay in your blue locker. We’re getting into a real difficult situation where students are doing things they shouldn’t on their cell phones. Not only are they off tasks, but they are things that they get in trouble with.”

Policy changes are aimed at allowing the students to not be distracted from cell phones during the day.

“Some of our social issues and social deficits are from being on personal devices so much,” Miller said.

See more in this week’s paper!