That’s what friends are for

KARI MEYER, the widow of Steve Meyer, watches as a trio of combines pull back into the field to finish harvesting Steve’s soybeans on Saturday. Photo / Per Peterson

Good people make for good stories, even if some of those stories are bittersweet.

That was the case a few miles south of Tracy on Saturday when a number of local farmers walked away from their personal chores to help out a family in need.

It started with the Verlinde family, which harvested the late Steve Meyer’s corn last week. Then on Saturday, a number of farmers returned to the Meyer acreage to pull soybeans.

“I can never thank everybody who has helped us;” there very easily could’ve been four times the number of people helping,” said Steve’s wife, Kari, who lost her husband to a May 10 motorcycle accident, not far from home. “That’s the beauty of a small town — everybody’s there, willing to help. The outpouring of support has been unbelievable. I don’t know how your heart can be filled with such love and emotion, yet broken at the same time.”

See more in this week’s paper!