The family trees

Billy Dean, Tiffany Molitor and Jenny Towne sit near a maple tree planted in the Tracy Area Elementary School playground area in the early 1990s in memory of Adam Johnson. Johnson’s is one of five trees — and memorial stones — at the playground. Photo / Per Peterson

Everyone loves trees. They provide shade, and drive photosynthesis and what child doesn’t like to climb them?

But five trees that border the playground equipment on the east side of the Tracy Area Elementary School campus represent so much more than all those things combined.

These are trees — two maples, one honey locust, one hackberry and one pine oak — that have been planted in memory of TAES students who are gone but surely not forgotten. The youngest of them was planted last fall in honor of sixth-grader Joseph Horner, who died in December 2022 and is fondly remembered as an inspiration to students and teachers alike.

See more in this week’s paper!