A great time for a Celebration

THE FATHER-DAUGHTER TEAM of Jay and Elizabeth Fultz sang a vocal duet callled “Try” at Sunday’s Celebration in Song on Sunday at Tracy Lutheran Church.

Just before Eric James was about to entertain Sunday’s Celebration in Song audience with a song he wrote himself, one of the strings of his guitar snapped. Unphased by the inauspicious start to his set, James went on to perform two songs without the string.

It was the only hiccup in what otherwise was a wonderful afternoon of musical offerings at the annual Fine Arts of Tracy event at Tracy Lutheran Church.

“It’s not super common,” James said. “I go through strings … usually I’m in the middle of a song and really getting after it and the string will break. I definitely have extras; I could’ve definitely changed it. All I was doing (Sunday) was a little bit of light pickin’.”