The only thing hotter than the action at Nehl’s Park on Sunday morning was the weather.
By the time the annual Box Car Days Horseshoe Tournament started shortly after 10 a.m., Sunday, the temperature had already hit 83 degrees, with no breeze to help. And sans any semblance of shade in the pit area, things heated up fast.
“I wish it wasn’t quite this hot,” said Sue Schroeder of Jeffers, whose partner, Danny Zinski, has competed in the tournament for five years and was one of a record 24 BCD horseshoe competitors this year. “I’m worried about these guys out here. I’m glad to see all the extra pop-ups. I brought a pop-up, so anybody that wants to stand under it, c’mon, I’ve got plenty of chairs. We’re trying to make it as nice as possible for these players who are standing out in this blistering heat.”
See more in this week’s paper!