Cannabis dispensary in Tracy? Don’t hold your breath

Although discussion has cooled on legalized recreational cannabis use in Minnesota since the cannabis law was passed last August, nothing but questions continue to swirl around the topic.

How will it be regulated? Can a city be home to a dispensary and where can that be? What exactly are the details?

“With legalization of cannabis, we passed an ordinance for public use of cannabis,” Lyon County Administrator Loren Stomberg said at a recent county board meeting. “Some questions I’ve received as of late: How many licenses the county will allow with business in the county? We can’t restrict to less than three licenses. Say three licenses went up in Marshall and say other cities want to have a license, how will that work? Do we want to restrict or have cities take care of it themselves? If things happen outside city limits, where our zoning laws apply, how would that look?”

See more in this week’s paper!