Council tables discussion on ARPA spending

The City of Tracy plans on spending ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding from Lyon County on a major equipment upgrade. How much it spends and on what, however, is still up in the air.

After discussion, the Tracy City Council tabled the issue until its next meeting, but a resolution was on the table at Monday’s council meeting to spend between $135,000-$150,000 on a road machine; the City had already listed a new backhoe as a CIP expenditure for the 2025 budget in that amount. Because the money is coming from the County, there will be no budget implications.

The City has $180,000 left in its ARPA account after setting aside monies for other projects, including $20,000 to bring running water to the Wheels Across the Prairie Heritage Center — a project previously approved by Lyon County commissioners.

See more in this week’s paper!