Persevering with patriotism

"It’s been a journey with a lot of hard knocks in there. But this is my best distraction. This is part of my world that has been neglected and I still don’t know where it’s going to go." - Kevin Dunker Photo / Per Peterson

There was a time when Kevin Dunker wasn’t sure if he wanted to continue working with wood and creating beautiful signs and eye-catching American flags.

The year was 2023 when his wife, Carol — who was diagnosed with breast cancer three years earlier — started to really start feeling the effects of her sickness. The emotional toll was almost enough to force Kevin to close up shop and stop woodworking.

“Three or four different times I just said, ‘You know what, I’m just not going to do this anymore,’” Kevin recalls. “She said, ‘No, you’re going to need it.’”

Carol lost her battle with cancer almost exactly one year ago.

“It’s still pretty fresh,” Kevin said. “I’ve had a lot of strange energy in my shop. A lot of good ideas have come out of it — it’s one of those odd things, when you have something bad happen, sometimes something good will come out of it. I’m getting to the point now where things are going pretty good.”