2021 council will welcome two new members, new mayor
By Per Peterson
Like so many others who care about Tracy, Dave Tiegs is tired of the negativity that has surrounded the city’s business sector over the last couple years, and he wants the people of Tracy to focus on the positives to help move the city ahead.
Tiegs held onto his city council seat in this year’s election, finishing fifth in voting, and thinks bringing business to town is paramount in the city’s road to progress.
“I moved to Tracy 20 years ago, and the one thing I have heard year after year is that we need more business in town,” Tiegs said. “When Steve Trachtenberg was working on coming to town I heard a lot of negative comments that it was going to stink up the town with the dog treat plant — well, that didn’t happen, it seems to be running just fine. Now we have the Plaid Moose that wants to come to Tracy and instead of finding something that works, I am hearing a lot of negative comments again. Everyone needs to look at what we have and how to use what we have to its greatest potential. “
Tiegs added that city residents need to compromise for the greater good of the town and that he was disappointed at the council member forum when candidates were asked what business each would like to see come to town and not one person had a suggestion.
“I had a few right off the top of my head — another bank, another convenience store/gas station, another hotel, more places to eat to name a few,” he said. “We need more competition for what we have; go to most small towns our size and most will have two banks, gas stations, restaurants and so on. Competition is good, options are good. This will give us all more opportunities to support Tracy and make it better. Keep your eyes and ears open when you are out because you may hear of the next business looking to relocate or expand, and mentioning Tracy to them might get them to look at us or give (EDA Director) Jeff Carpenter the information and I know he will follow up and try to get them to town.”
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article.