TAPS students, staff honored at online Education Banquet
By Per Peterson
The pandemic has stolen a lot from society, including high school students. However, that didn’t stop Tracy Area Public Schools from honoring its top academic achievers, as well as four adults who were acknowledged for their passion to help today’s youth. The 2020 TAPS Education Banquet was conducted virtually last Thursday evening. Those honored include Shorty Engel, Linnea Surprenant and Teachers of the Year, Stephanie Kor and Sarah Persons. Besides that foursome, other honorees included Darwin Saxton, Michele Hawkinson and Hilary Sanders, who were given the Helping Hand Award. Receving Service Pins this year were Cheryl Bitker (20 years), Mai Thor (20 years) and Lori Erbes (30 years). Ernest Swift was posthumously inducted into the Tracy Area Public School’s Wall of Fame.
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on the education banquet.