By Trina Thomas
The highlights at the Lyon County Board meeting on Tuesday were the announcement of checks being dispersed through CARES funding, Minnesota’s push to “go green,” and an update on the State’s buffer enforcement.
The total dollar amount the county will be allocating to approved applicants is $500,000, and checks will go out in the mail this week. The only sector mentioned in the meeting was fire departments that applied for less than $50,000 to assist with some extractions and washing machines for COVID-19.
Those receiving grant dollars will be getting a check along with a letter saying they were approved; the board mentioned the disappointment that they couldn’t offer more.
“Unfortunately, there were more rejection letters than approval letters because of the amount of funding that was requested,” Lyon County Administrator Loren Stomberg said.
Another hot topic this week was the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s move to adopt California’s low-emission vehicle and zero-emission vehicle mandates that ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles in the state by 2035.
See this week’s Headlight Herald for more on this article.