August 11, 2021

(First Day of Pub.: Wed., Aug. 11, 2021)

(Dates of Pub.: Wed., Aug. 11, 2021)


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Summary of the Proceedings of the Lyon County Board

9:00 a.m. pursuant to notice the Lyon County Commissioners met with the following members present: Commissioners Anderson, Crowley, Graupmann, Sanow and Ritter. Also present: Administrator Stomberg and County Attorney Maes.

MSP to approve the agenda.

MSP to approve the consent agenda.

MSP to approve the mutual aid agreement with Murray County to help on projects as an as needed basis.

MSP to approve the written request for repurchase of tax-forfeited land, parcel 26-110043-1, as the repurchase will best serve the public interest.

Motion made by VanDeVere, seconded by Ritter to appoint Commissioners Sik, VanDeVere, Hauswedell, Crowley and Anderson to the JD 12 L&L Board. All voted in favor by roll call vote, motion carried.

Motion made by Anderson, seconded by VanDeVere to appoint Commissioners Crowley, Sanow, Anderson, Sik and VanDeVere to the JD 31 L&L Board.  All voted in favor by roll call vote, motion carried.

MSP to approve the agreement with the City of Willmar Wastewater Treatment Facility for leachate disposal services and allow Board Chair to designate Environmental Administrator as Authorized Representative.

MSP to approve the memorandum of agreement authorizing Lyon County to apply for grant funding from the Greater MN Parks and Trails Commission.

MSP to award SP 42-070-012 to AAA Striping Service Co with a low bid of $277,857.40 and authorize Board Chair and County Administrator to sign the contract.

MSP to approve the funding request for Plum Creek Library system in the amount of $3,250 for 2022.

MSP to adjourn at 11:33 a.m.

A copy of these proceedings are available in the County Administrator Office of Lyon County and also available at