Ready to rock!

June 19, 2024 Per Peterson 0

Lexi Dahmes didn’t need to watch Jack Black’s “School of Rock” over and over again to realize she has a love of performing, but the […]

A patriotic burn

June 19, 2024 Per Peterson 0

Flag Day for most people comes and goes without a thought. With the exception of the American flags posted on light poles around downtown Tracy […]

End of an era

June 12, 2024 Per Peterson 0

Don’t tell Dave Hoyt that there’s nothing exciting about a can of oil. Not only would he disagree with you, he has proof that something […]

It must be summer

June 5, 2024 Per Peterson 0

Sub-70-degree weather didn’t put a damper on the opening of the Tracy Aquatic Center on Friday, as dozens of young ones flocked to the pool […]