Tracy’s water tower will be drained and taken out of service next week to allow for interior tower maintenance.
The work is not expected to cause any service disruptions for city water customers, as treated water will be pumped directly through city water mains from the municipal water plant on Hwy. 14. However, citizens are asked to conserve water while the tower is off line and be aware that there could be occasional periods of low water pressure, and episodes of discolored water.
Required water restrictions are listed in a public notice inside this week’s newspaper.
The 500,000-gallon water tower is scheduled to go off-line on Monday, Oct. 30, and be out-of-service for about 10 days. KLM Engineering of Lake Elmo is doing the interior work. The interior maintenance will follow an exterior cleaning and painting by Champion Coatings that began last week.
The city’s public notice states that citizens may notice some water flowing from hydrants, as pressure-release valves protect the city’s water system from becoming over-pressurized.
The tower maintenance was originally expected to occur in September.