A lead topic at Saturday’s city council strategic goal-setting meeting was the need for improvements at Tracy’s Veterans Memorial Center.
And the timing couldn’t have been much better.
Unbeknownst to many at this past weekend’s public meeting was plumbing issues that arose during recent wrestling tournaments at the VMC. While it’s unknown what the problem was, the City believes there was some foul play involved. Nevertheless, it did bring to light the need for infrastrcuture fixes at the VMC.
The general consensus of the group — and the No. 1 item brought up during a city council exercise — was taking care of what was called one of Tracy’s biggest assets.
Tracy city council members were tasked with coming up with one main thing they think should be addressed within the next five years, as well as obstacles Tracy needs to overcome over that time period.
The consensus of the group was improving the VMC, which is used for myriad programs and events, some associated with the school district that are home to hundreds of people on any given weekend during the winter months.
“Improve it so that more people can use it, make it more user-friendly,” council member George Landuyt said.
See more in this week’s paper!