Lorene Fujan Sehr, 83

Lorene Fujan Sehr was born February 13, 1939 and passed away January 25, 2023 at the age of 83. At that time, she was a resident of Minnetonka.

During her younger years, Lorene often spent time with her Aunt Lil and uncles at their farm near Walnut Grove. She lived and worked in Minneapolis for many years. In 1996 she and Paul Sehr were married at the Church of St. Francis Cabrini in Minneapolis. They lived in the Twin Cities area, Florida, and Bayport until he passed away in 2013.           .

Lorene is survived by her brother Jerry, niece Karen, Sr. Marie and other Fujan relatives; Paul’s daughters, Michelle and Stephanie, and his sister, Shirley, and their families.

On Saturday, July 15, Lorene was remembered and her ashes were intered at Calvary Cemetery near Walnut Grove, Fr. Andy Michels officiating.

Lorene enjoyed many interests in life including gardening, cooking, sewing, dancing–and very importantly – strong devotion to her Catholic faith and caring for family and friends. Blessed be her memory.