Bollig joins community center party

Bollig, Inc. architect Angela Holm. Photo / Per Peterson

Add another brick to the long and winding — and sometimes rocky — community center road.

For the first time after years of meetings, debates and discussions on what, where and how to build a new center in Tracy, there seems to be some concrete progress.

The Tracy City Council last Tuesday hosted a community forum that welcomed community members as well as the people who make up the Community Center Workforce Group. But the most important guests at last week’s gathering weren’t sitting among that crowd.

Two representatives from Bollig, Inc., the City’s architectural partner in its efforts to create a new gathering space in town, were present at the meeting to gather information and share some of their own. The end result was what is hoped to be a major step in the drawn-out process, as Bollig reps soaked up all the information they could to create a plan for the proposed facility, which will assumedly be built on the corner of 3rd and Morgan streets.

See more in this week’s paper!