Tro på våre fedre

September 19, 2018 hhnews207 0

Faith of their Fathers endures for descendants of Willow Lake Norwegians By Seth Schmidt Twelve autumns after Willow Lake Lutheran disbanded, the white-steeple country church […]

Keys to the past

September 12, 2018 hhnews207 0

Tracy woman wants to return a set of found keys from 1940 to the family By Per Peterson Few things are more frustrating than losing […]

Back to school!

September 5, 2018 hhnews207 0

Tuesday was the first day of school for Tracy students. Left, kids got off the bus at Tracy Elementary School.  Right, Jolene Labat helped welcome […]

Honoring a legend

September 5, 2018 hhnews207 0

Generations of Tracy residents got their chance to say their good-byes to Art Marben By Per Peterson Generations of Tracy Area High School students joined […]